Quick Start

The Illuminator is written in Python and its dependencies are also Python.



  • Python >= 3.8

  • Miniconda (optional)

  • A Rasberry Pi cluster, for cluster deplyment ( cluster set up for specific instructions)

Using Pip

The simpliest way to install Illuminator is from PYPI, using pip:

pip install illuminator

Using Conda

If you prefer to use conda the environment.yml provides all dependecies to create a conda environment called illuminator.

  1. Clone the repository or download the environment.yml file.

  2. Use Miniconda to create a new invironment:

conda env create -f environment.yml

conda activate illuminator

From Source

To install the Illuminator from source:

  1. Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/Illuminator-team/Illuminator.git
  1. Go to the root of the repository and install it using pip:

cd Illuminator/

pip install .


In version 3.0.0 and above, simulation scenarios are configure using YAML files.

Simulation file

Simulations are declared using a configulation file that must have the structure below. Refer to simulation file for a full explanation.

# config.yaml
  name: "AddingNumbers" # a name for the simulation scenario
  start_time: '2012-01-02 00:00:00' # ISO 8601 start time for simulation
  end_time: '2012-01-02 00:00:10' 
  time_resolution: 900 # time step in seconds. Defaults to 15 minutes (900 s)
models: # list of models for the simulation
- name: Model1 # name for the model in the simulation (must be unique)
  type: MyModel # name of the type of model (must match the name of an existing model)
  inputs:  # list of initial values for the inputs of the model type
    # input names are defined by the model type
    in1: 10  # input-name: initial value, default values will be used if not set. 
    in2: 20
    out1: 0 
    param1: "adding tens"
- name: Model2
  type: MyModel # models can reuse the same type
    in1: 100  
    in2: 200
    param1: "adding hundreds"
- from: Adder1.out1 # origin model, format: <model_name>.<output>
  to: Adder2.in1 # destination model, format: <model_name>.<input>
monitor:  # a list of models, its inputs, output and states to be monitored and logged
- Adder2.out2 # format: <model_name>.<input>/<output>/<states>

Running Simulations

The illuminator has two interfaces for user, one for the command line (CLI) and one for Python:

  1. To run a simulation *scenario using the CLI, use the following:

# to run a simulation scenario:
illuminator scenario <path/to/scenario-config.yaml>

# to get help, use:
illuminator scenario --help
  1. If using Python:

from illuminator.engine import Simulation

sim = Simulation('<path/to/scenario-config.yaml>')

Contact and Support

For more comprehensive support, please contact us at illuminator@tudelft.nl. Additionally, you can reach out to the main contributors for specific inquiries: