Simulation Configuration File

Simulation scenarios for the Illuminator are define using configuration files written in YAML. The structure of a configuration must be as in the example below.

A simulation file has four main sections:

  • scenario: defines metadata and global variable for the simulation.

  • models: defines which models are included in the simulation.

  • connections: defines how the models in the models section must be connected for a particular simulation.

  • monitor: defines which inputs, outputs, and states of a particular model must be monitored and logged during simulation.


The following is an example to explain the basic format of a configuration file. See the table below a description of each keyword and their default values. Optinal keywords can be ommitted, in those case the defaults will be used.

# An example of a configuration file for a simuation. Won't run successfully.
  name: "ScenarioTest" # name for the similation
  start_time: '2012-01-01 00:00:00' # ISO 8601 start time 
  end_time: '2012-01-01 01:00:00'  
  time_resolution: 900 # time step in seconds (optional).
models: # list of models for the energy system
- name: CSVB # name for the model (must be unique)
  type: CSV # name the model type in the Illuminator
  parameters:  # vary per model type
    start: '2012-01-01 00:00:00' 
    datafile: './tests/data/solar-sample.csv' 
- name: PV
  type: PvAdapter 
  inputs:  # vary per model type (optional)
    G_Gh: null 
    G_Dh: null
    G_Gh: null
    state1: null
    state2: null
    - D_Dh
    - state2
  connect: # necessary for running a simulation in a Raspberry Pi cluster
    ip:  # IP of client machine
    port: 5000 
- from: CSVB.G_Gh # origin model, format: model_name.output_name
  to: PV.G_Gh # destinatioin model, format: model_name.input_name
- from: CSVB.G_Dh
  to: PV.G_Dh
- from: CSVB.G_Bn
  to: PV.G_Bn
- from: CSVB.Ta
  to: PV.Ta
- from: CSVB.hs
  to: PV.hs
- from: CSVB.FF
  to: PV.FF
- from: CSVB.Az
  to: PV.Az
  file: './out.csv' # file where items are saved during simualation (optional)
  - PV.pv_gen  # List of inputs, outputs or states to monitor






a set of global values
for a simulation.


A name for the simulation, internally
this name will be asssigned to what
the Mosaik World created during runtime.


start time for the simulation.
Must be a timestamp in ISO 8601 format


end time for the simulation.
Must be a timestamp in ISO 8601 format.


number of seconds between
simulation steps

900 (15 min)


a list of models for
the simulation


a name for the model. Must
be unique for each simulation


type of model. This must correspond
with the name of the model
registered in the Illuminator.


a set of input-names and initial
values for the model. The model
type determines which names and
values are applicable to each model,
and they must be declared accordingly.
Inputs are optional

If the value is set to null,
the default value will be
used. See the respective model
type for details.


a set of output-names and initial
values for the model. Similar to
inputs valid names and values
for each model are determined by
the model type. See the respective
model type for details.

If the value is set to null,
the default value will be used.


a set of name-value pairs for
the model. Parameters declared constants
for a model during runtime.

If ommited, the default values
will be used. See the
respective model type for details.


a set of name-value pairs considered
as states for the model. The values modify
the internal initial values of a state.

If ommited, the default
values will be used. See the
respective model type for details.


names of inputs, output or states
that are use as triggers for a particular model.
Triggers can only be declared by models
that implement the event-based paradigm.
See the respective model type to know if
it accepts triggers.


to declare in which client a model runs
when using a Raspberry Pi cluster.


Ip of the client manchine that will run
the model. Only IP version 4 format.


TCP port to use to connect to the
client machine


how models connect to each other.


origin of the connection declared as
<model-name>.<output-name>. Input names
use here must also appear as inputs in
the models section.


destination of the connection declared as
<model-name>.<input-name>. Output names
use here must also appear as outputs in
the models section.



path to a CSV file to store results of
the simulation. File will be created if

a out.csv file saved to
the current directory


a list of which inputs, outputs or states
of models that most be monitored during
runtime. Items must be declared as
<model-name>.<name>, where name is an
input, output or stated clared in the
models section. No duplicated values
are allowed